How to Debunk Rumours With Your Web3 Press Release

Web3 Press Release

On a personal level, no one likes rumours being spread about us; it can damage our reputations and disrupt our social lives. When it comes to businesses, rumours can do far more damage. Rumours have tanked product sales, tainted companies’ public perception for decades, and even led to businesses folding up. 

No business wants to deal with rumours but if you find yourself in that position, a web3 press release could be a good way to get things back on track. The digital asset space is very new, which means that rumours can easily be spread about companies within it. If you need to debunk a rumour, here are a few tips:

  • Track and Compile the Facts 

It is very difficult, if not flat-out impossible, to debunk a rumour if you don’t know exactly what it is. The most ideal situation would be for your business to address rumours in a single web3 press release instead of publishing multiple to address all of them. So, before you put out any press release, track down the rumours online or offline.

To make things easier, create a spreadsheet where you note all the individual rumours being spread about your business, as well as where they originated from and who is spreading them. It might take some time but it will make the process of debunking them much easier in the long run.

Web3 Press Release

  • Start With a Strong Headline 

When you’re debunking rumours, you are essentially defending your company’s reputation, so this is not the time to play it coy. Your headline needs to make it clear that you are aware of the rumours and plan to address them. You can even give some details like where the rumours came from. A headline saying, ‘XYX Addresses False Rumours on Social Media’ is straight to the point and is sure to draw eyeballs in. 

Speaking of eyeballs, make sure the headline is eye-catching. We’ve previously put out a blog post on how to write catchy headlines and it is important in this situation as well. You want to make sure that your debunking of the rumour goes as far in cyberspace as the rumour itself. So, make sure it is crafted to get the attention of journalists and the public alike.

  • Name and Shame (If Needed)

A good idea would be to state in the web3 press release where the rumour came from. If it started widely on social media, you could call it ‘social media rumours’. At the same time, if it was a rumour started by a person you want to call out, you are welcome to mention them in the press release, given that your legal representation has signed off on it (more on that later). 

Just like we said in our previous point, you want the debunking to be as widely covered as the rumour and ‘XYZ Debunks Rumour’ is less interesting than ‘XYZ Responds to Influencers’ Claims’. This move shows the public that your company is not afraid to address the issues head-on. 

  • Debunk in your Web3 Press Release

After the headline in your Web3 press release, the next step should be the actual debunking of the rumours. As per our first step, you should have the rumours listed, and now is the chance to debunk them one by one. Do not be vague with the language you use so as not to draw out the whole affair. Explain why each rumor is false, and make sure this debunking is widely circulated on your end. 

Publish now just a traditional press release but put the statement on social media if you can. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that you want to move on from this saga as much as possible. Unless there are legal proceedings, publish one web3 press release to debunk the rumours then move on. 

Web3 Press Release

  • Offer Evidence (If possible) 

The ideal situation is for the rumour to be debunked so thoroughly that it is never brought up again, and a great way to do this is to offer evidence to the contrary. Let’s say your crypto was accused of being a pump-and-dump scam. A link to analytics showing organic token purchases would be a good way to show evidence of its viability. The same goes for any legal documents you can provide, statements from regulators, etc. 

Rumors might be juicy to circulate online, but if there is hard proof that they are false, they can’t go as far. Also, if any publications have carried the rumour, send this evidence to them to counteract the effects of their previous headlines. If there is any evidence debunking the rumour, do not be afraid to share it.

  • Seek Legal Advice 

Sometimes, rumours go beyond just online chatter and become something you have to take legal action regarding. This is especially true if publications and personalities are involved or if it crosses the line into libel territory. Before you even need to release a press, speak to your legal representation. Sometimes, they can request publications to retract certain statements or take them down entirely. Do this early enough to stop the rumor from becoming too big and unmanageable. Another thing to do is have your legal team review your Web3 press release before it goes out to avoid getting your business in hot water. Finally, make sure they are consulted at every step of the way. 


A Web3 press release can be the perfect way to push back against rumours that threaten your business. It helps you say your side of the story and, ideally, provide evidence to refute the rumours. As we’ve broken down in this article, you need to have all your facts straight, name the source of the rumors, debunk them strongly, and make sure that your statement is circulated far and wide. If things are very serious, you might also want to bring in your legal team. 

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