How to Launch a Rebrand Using Blockchain PR

Blockchain PR

As a business, your branding and your PR work hand-in-hand, with one strengthening the other. But what happens when your business decides to rebrand? Businesses rebrand for all sorts of reasons and this process can be made much easier by leveraging your blockchain PR. 

In this article, we’ll explain how you can rebrand your business and publicize this move to your audience using your blockchain PR. The last thing you want is for the public to be confused or unaware of this rebrand and this is where blockchain PR comes in. 

  • Make a Formal Announcement 

Since your primary goal is to make the public aware of your rebrand, it is best to put out a formal announcement of it via blockchain PR. Before the rebrand takes shape, publish a press release that states plainly that your company will be changing. Give all the necessary details including the former and new name, any changes to your aesthetic, and so on.

Make sure to note when these changes will be taking place so customers and the media are not caught off guard. Because a rebrand has such an effect on a business, you’re better off announcing it a few weeks before and circulating it far and wide so no one misses the memo. As we’ve explained in the past, you want to give your press releases as much circulation as possible. This could be done by manually submitting it to various media outlets or using a service like what we offer here at BTCWire. No matter what you use, make sure your rebrand doesn’t come as a complete surprise unless that is what you’re going for.

  • Put Out Blockchain PRs Throughout the Process

Becuase your business has operated under certain branding for a significant amount of time, it will take some reinforcement to get your new branding to stick. The good news is that you can make this process easier using blockchain PRs. Most likely, your rebrand will involve several steps including changing your name, logo, brand colours, motto, and so on. 

Take advantage of this by putting out a new PR whenever you change any aspect of your business and publicize it as much as possible. This not only makes sure the public is informed but also that the branding ‘sticks’ as quickly as possible. This also applies if there are events being used to celebrate the launch like a party, a Q&A with your executives, and so on. Virtually everything can be turned into content and this means more ways to put your business into the spotlight. The rule of thumb is that the more people know about the rebrand, the better. 

Blockchain PR

  • Announce When it is Finished 

After your rebrand efforts are completed, it is worth putting out another blockchain PR to announce this. By doing this, you let the public know that your rebranding efforts are over and the new name and image are what they will be engaging with moving forward. Businesses vary in the number of press releases they put out during rebrands but this one, along with the one announcing an upcoming changes, is essential to the process. 

Besides a traditional PR, make sure to publish content on your social media pages announcing the rebrand, addressing any concerns that your customers may have, and so on. The focus beyond actually completing the rebrand should be to make the transition as easy for your customer base as possible. 

  • Refer to Your Previous Branding Initially

No matter how much you announce a rebrand of your company, not everyone will get the memo. After all, many of us still think of X as Twitter and Meta as Facebook years later. The last thing you want is any confusion on the part of journalists covering your business or customers who want to patronize you. This is why, for the first few weeks or even months after your rebrand, make some reference to your previous name. 

Let’s say your previous business name was ABC but now your company goes by XYZ. Your first few press releases should read as, “XYZ (formerly ABC) Launches New Product”. Terms like ‘formerly known as’ or ‘previously’ should be sprinkled throughout your Vlockhain PRs to clear up any doubts in the minds of readers. Another idea would be to reference previous developments in the press release and link to them. A reader might wonder if it is the same company that launched a previous project, for example, and doing this will clear up any doubts. 

Blockchain PR

  • Put Out Announcements Afterwards

As any marketing expert will tell you, keeping a name or brand at the forefront of customers’ minds is the best way to make sure they remember you. This is even more important during the rebranding phase. You don’t just want to say that your business’s new name is ABC but you want customers to see new moves being made with this brand. 

So, after your rebrand is complete, try to keep it in the news by making announcements. Some brands coincide their rebrands with new product launches so make sure to leverage those if you can. If there isn’t anything to announce per se but you still want to put out blockchain PRs, see our previous post about what to publish when there is no new development. After seeing a few PRs with your new business name, customers are more likely to embrace your new branding.


Blockchain PRs are essential at every point of a business but especially when it is rebranding. Unless you’re going for shock value, a rebrand should not catch customers by surprise but should be a journey they are carried along on. This is why we recommend that you leverage blockchain PRs at every step of the process, from when you are weeks away from the rebrand to when it is complete. The idea is to keep your new business branding at the forefront of people’s minds and offer as smooth of a transition as possible. 

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